Abdominoplasty Surgery in Bangalore

Wiki Article

1. Are you unhappy after delivery and have a lower tummy bump?
2. Do you have stretch marks and sagging skin from childbirth?
3. Have you just undergone a big weight loss and are now worried about the problem of hanging skin?
4. Are you unable to strengthen and tone your abs with exercise?
5. Do you want to get your flat, sculpted stomach back?

Having a big belly is not a matter of shame. We must accept that we all have our flaws. But if your belly is becoming a matter of worry and is giving you sleepless nights, it is time to do something about it. You can get your belly back to shape in no time with the help of a well-known procedure called Abdominoplasty. Opting for a tummy contouring procedure doesn't mean you have less self-esteem because it is only to give yourself the best and make you feel beautiful.

Abdominoplasty, another name for the tummy tuck procedure, is a popular cosmetic procedure performed to reshape the waistline and flatten the stomach in order to improve the body's contour. By tightening the abdominal muscles, it guarantees long-lasting benefits and has the ability to strengthen the weakened or damaged muscles by incorporating a mesh for additional support and a firmer look.

It is carried out when regular workouts, exercises, and diet control measures are ineffective in helping you regain your pre-pregnancy figure after childbirth or. In this situation, tummy tuck surgery can be best option. Abdominoplasty has become a popular body contouring procedure in recent years.

After surgery, you can expect some pain and discomfort in the abdominal area which will subside with pain killer medication for few days after surgery. You will also need to wear compression garments over your stomach for few weeks to help reduce swelling and support your abdominal muscles as they heal after surgery, thus giving the best results and contouring.

Cost of Tummy Tuck In Bangalore
The cost of an abdominoplasty in Bangalore will depends on the surgeon's experience, the requirement for placing a mesh, reconstruction of the umbilicus etc. It is essential to talk with our skilled surgeon about the price of tummy tuck surgery.
If during investigations done before abdominoplasty, the ultrasound of the abdomen reveals gall bladder stobes or a hernia. It is a matter of concern and needs to be dealt in the same session. In the hands of an experienced surgeon, a combination of both surgeries can be done , yet with no compromise in the results expected from the body contouring abdominoplasty.

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